How do I access Spanish resources?

Twig Science has a number of Spanish resources available:

  • Sessions
  • Digital Resources
  • Assessments
  • Glossary

In this article we will look at:

How do I find Spanish resources?

A number of resources are available in Spanish. Where to find Spanish resources is detailed below. 



To access the digital version or the journal version of a Twig session in Spanish, navigate to the session using the Lesson Explorer.

Now click Student View and click on Digital (Spanish) or Twig Journal(Spanish).
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Digital resources

Digital resources are also available in Spanish.

Click on a digital resource.
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Each resource will have a language dropdown which can be switched to Spanish.
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Assessments are also available in Spanish can be navigated to from the module view.

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You will see assessments in English and Spanish. Click on the Spanish assessment. Instructions will be in English but any student facing materials will be in Spanish. 
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Our Science Glossary is also available in Spanish.

The Science Glossary can be found on your dashboard. Then just switch to Spanish using the language switch.
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How do I assign Sessions in Spanish?

Sessions can be assigned to students in Spanish.

To assign sessions in Spanish navigate to Assign and Share and use the language dropdown.
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