Twig Middle School: Edit an Assessment

You can edit any existing Twig Assessment to create your own version. Custom assessments can be created, assigned and graded all from the Twig Science Assessment Center.

Edited assessments can also be with other teachers at your school, to find out more read: How do I share an edited assessment?

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Step by Step Guides

How do I navigate to the edit mode of an assessment?
  1. Navigate to the Twig Assessment Center by clicking Assess > Assessment Center in the main navigation bar.Screenshot 2022-05-05 at 13.42.jpg
  2. Click on Assessment Library in the left hand side menu. Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 13.22.png
  3. Select your assessment collection from the drop down menu. 
  4. Click the menu next to your assignment and select Edit.Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 13.41.png
How do I edit an assessment title and description?

Once you have selected to edit an assessment you can edit the title and description.

  1. Click on the pencil icon next to Properties.Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 14.01.png
  2. Click on the title text to update.
  3. Click UPDATE IMAGE to update image.
  4. Click Apply Changes
  5. Click Save. 
  6. Here's the existing assessment:Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 14.13.30.png
    And here's the edited version:Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 14.16.38.png
How do I edit Student Instructions?

To edit student instructions, navigate to the assessment editor, then click on the pencil icon next to Assessment Student Instructions. An editable text box with the Student instructions will now appear. You can alter instructions by removing or changing the image, changing the title, or adding in additional instructions for your students. Use the text editor to add in links, images, or to change fonts or styling. 

Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 12.16.png

When you are finished updating student instructions, click outside of the text box. Now you should see the option to Apply Changes.
Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 12.07.png

After you have updated the changes you can Save and Preview.


How do I edit assessment questions?

 To edit questions, navigate to the assessment editor, then click on the pencil icon next to the question group. Here you can add additional student instructions or rename the question. To save changes click Apply ChangesScreenshot 2022-04-26 at 16.16.30.png

To edit a question item, expand the question by clicking the arrow icon, and edit the question by clicking the pencil icon. CleanShot 2022-04-27 at 11.51.16.gif

You can add in additional student instructions for each specific question. You can also edit answers, delete answers and add in additional options in multiple choice questions. thisone.gif

You can change the correct answers.CleanShot 2022-04-27 at 12.14.26.gif

Points allocated for each question can also be edited. 
CleanShot 2022-04-27 at 12.19.17.gif

How do I delete questions from an assessment?

You can delete questions or question groups from any assessment by clicking the three dots next to the  question and selecting Delete.  Screenshot 2022-04-27 at 14.37.png

How do I reorder assessment questions?

There are two ways to re-order assessment questions. You can grab the question, or click the three dots and select Move above or Move below.CleanShot 2022-04-27 at 13.42.36.gif


Please note that Assessment Standards are not editable at this time.

How do I preview my assessment?

Once you have finished editing the assessment and have saved your changes you can preview it by clicking the Preview button.CleanShot 2022-04-27 at 15.07.24.gif

Can I edit an assessment after I've assigned it to a student?

After you have assigned your edited assessment, you can make changes to instructions and titles but you can not edit any assessment questions.

Video Walkthrough: How do I edit assessment properties?

Video Walkthrough: How do I edit assessment questions?

Interactive Tutorial: Editing Assessments

Discover how to edit Assessments with our interactive step by step guide below.

Best experienced in Full Screen Mode. Click this icon Screenshot to view in Full Screen Mode.