Assessments can be graded and scored digitally on the Assessment Center.
In this article we will cover:
- How do I view a student's assessment and answers?
- How do I grade a student's assessment?
- How do I switch between student instructions and grading instructions?
- How do I share my students' grades?
How do I view a student's Assessment and answers?
- Navigate to the Assessment Center.
- Click on the assessment title.
- You can either click Grade Answers or click View Answers of a specific student. If you click View Answers you will go directly to the assessment to grade it.
- If you click Grade Answers, all students can be accessed via the drop down.
- You will now see the student's assessment.
How do I grade a student's assessment?
Once you have navigated to your student's assessment, you will see an overview of the assessment detailing how many questions have been graded and how many are currently marked as correct.
If you are grading some of the paper offline please check the box stating: Mark this student's answers as completed fully or partially offline. Once checked please click Save.
You will see any multiple choice questions have been automatically graded. Any essay or diagram questions will still need to be graded, this can be done by reading the scoring instructions for each section.
Questions will have a student rubric that can be consulted. This can be found under each question.Once graded click Save.
How do I switch between student instructions and grading instructions?
You can see both teacher scoring instructions and student instructions by choosing your assessment view at the top of the page.
How do I share my students' grades?
Once you have graded an assessment you can share the score with your student. Navigate to the Assessment Center and select the assessment you are grading. Instructions for how to share with multiple students, or with an individual student, can be found below:
Share multiple results
You can share results with your class at the same time.
- Click the status box on the Class Overview grid.
- All students should now be selected.
- Now click the Share Results link.
- You will now be asked to check a box and confirm you wish to share all results.
Share a single result
You can share results with individual students.
- Find the result you wish to share and click the check box on the Class Overview grid next to the student.
- Now click the Share Results link.
- You will now be asked to check a box and confirm you wish to share results with your student.