Twig Middle School: Manage and reset passwords

You can manage and reset your own password as well as reseting student passwords when logged in.


Please note your district may have global password settings in place. If you have any problems resetting your password please contact your district admin.

In this guide we will cover:

How to reset a student's password

  1. Log in to Twig Science. Then click Manage, and select Classes.Screenshot 2021-11-07 at 21.00.png
  2. Select your class.2021-11-07_21-49-18.png
  3. Now scroll down to your students.2021-11-07_21-51-16.png
  4. Click the eyeball icon next to your student.
  5. Scroll down and enter in the new password. It should be longer than 6 characters. Then click Save.2021-11-07_21-54-30.png
  6. The new password will now be saved.

How to reset your own password

How to change your password when logged into your account

If you are able to log in but would like to change your password you can do this by following these steps:

  1. Click on your name at the bottom of the left hand side menu.
  2. Then click on My profile.Screenshot 2021-11-07 at 22.09.png
  3. Scroll down to the password section on your account profile.2021-11-07_22-16-47.png
  4. Click Update profile.
  5. You will now be prompted to type in your current password and then your new password.

How to reset a forgotten password

  1. Go to the login page at Twig Science.
  2. Click Forgot Password?
  3. Select either: I am a teacher or I am a student. Only a teacher can change their password. If you are a student please contact your teacher to help you sign in.
  4. If a teacher, please input you District ID and your Username.Please contact your District Administrator if you do not know your District ID or Username.
  5. You should now check your email address to reset your password. If you do not receive an email please contact your District Administrator.