Twig Elementary: Types of Assessments

Twig Science supports teachers to deliver the three-dimensional learning required by the NGSS, providing a three-dimensional assessment system that allows teachers to evaluate student attainment of NGSS Performance Expectations.

Assessments overview

Click on the headings below to find out more about the assessments available on Twig Science.

Benchmark Assessments

These summative assessments include open-ended problems that challenge students to apply what they have learned so far to new contexts, requiring analysis and reasoning rather than merely rote memorization. Benchmark Assessments vary in length, from 30 minutes to 3 or 4 lessons, depending on the complexity of the task. These assessments can be found in the Assessment Library or the Assessment Explorer.

Multiple Choice Assessments

Multiple Choice Assessments are a summative tool intended to be assigned at the end of a module. They can be used to assess student understanding of the concepts covered in the module and identify areas of weakness that may need more attention. Each question is correlated to an NGSS standard and a Depth of Knowledge level. Assessments are multi-dimensional in nature and prepare students for multiple choice components in state science assessment.


Pre-Explorations quickly assess students’ prior knowledge and identify misconceptions they have about module content. They also assess students’ ability to understand and apply Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs). Each module contains a number of Pre-Explorations, embedded at strategic points.

Formative Assessments

Opportunities for formative assessment are embedded throughout the program, and suggested questions are frequently included in Teacher Editions to gauge student understanding. Reflect activities are grade-appropriate and include KLEW charts, short written reflections, annotated sketches, peer-to-peer discussions, and graphic checklists. They offer students the chance to self-reflect on their own growing understanding of the Driving Question and Module Phenomenon.

Performance Tasks

Performance Tasks allow students to apply CCCs, SEPs, and their knowledge of Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) to demonstrate their growing mastery of Performance Expectations, as well as their understanding of the Module Phenomenon. Performance Tasks typically unfold over a number of lessons, score a portfolio of work, and include several components, such as research and written tasks, engineering design challenges, and oral presentations. Rubrics support teachers to assess the level of student attainment in relation to Performance Expectations.


Summative assessments can be found in our Assessment Library, or by selecting Benchmark and MCAs from the Assessment Explorer. Pre-Explorations, Formative Assessments, and Performance Tasks are listed for each module in the Assessment Explorer. Please read: Where do I find assessments? for more information on accessing assessments.