Twig: Single Sign-on With SAML

Twig Science supports SAML 2.0 as a single sign on (SSO) option for school districts. SAML 2.0 can simplify the login experience for your district, as your users can use their existing credentials to log in to our platform.

In this article we will cover:

SAML SSO overview

Twig Science provides a standard’s based SAML implementation to connect to your Identity Provider (IdP). We provide a simple self-service configuration page to integrate the Twig Science platform as a Service Provider (SP) to the IdP of your district. This page also provides all of Twig Science’s metadata for configuration of the IdP.


Note: It is expected that you will choose a single SSO option. If you have planned migration from another SSO option to SAML SSO, please contact your sales representative to discuss.

Navigating to SAML SSO configuration

  1. Log in as a District Admin user
  2. Select Manage
  3. Select SAML Configuration.

Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 10.55.pngYou will now see the SAML configuration form.Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 12.49.14.png

How do I configure SAML SSO?

Sign in with your District Admin login to setup/modify the SAML configurations for SSO.

The configuration of SAML must be done by authorized professionals familiar with SAML.

Below are the configurations needed.




Entity ID

URI (String 255)

Identifier of the IdP entity



URL Target of the IdP where the Authentication Request Message will be sent

SSO Binding


SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the message

IdP Cert

X.509 file

Public X.509 certificate of the IdP

How do I download the Twig Science SAML metadata file

The Twig Science SAML metadata file provides information required to configure on the IdP and to set the connection for SSO between Twig Science and the Districts IdP.

To download the metadata of Twig Science SAML click on Download.Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 12.49.png

User login flow

There are two ways students can log in with SAML. Users can either log in via the Twig Science log in page or via the SAML provider, such as Google or Microsoft 365.