Twig Elementary: Spanish resources

Twig Science has been translated to provide a fully Spanish version of Twig Science. You can view all teacher lessons in Spanish, watch videos with Spanish voice-over or Spanish captions, and assign student lessons in Spanish.

In this article we will look at:

Presenting a lesson in Spanish

  1. Ensure your language switch has Spanish selected.language-switch.jpg
  2. All content will now be in Spanish. Navigate to your chosen lesson. 
  3. On the lesson page simply click Presentar la leccion.spanish_present.jpg
  4. You will now find all presentable resources are in Spanish.

Watching videos in Spanish

Videos out-with presentation mode are also available in Spanish, with an option of:

  • English voice-over with Spanish captions
  • Spanish voice-over with English captions
  • Spanish voice-over with Spanish captions
  • English voice-over with English captions

When English is selected as your site language, you can switch between Spanish and English voice-over when watching any videos.

  1. Navigate to your chosen lesson, and select the video you want to watch.
  2. Here you can choose to listen to the video in either English or Spanish, without changing the language of the site.
  3. If you wish to listen to the video in Spanish, just click Spanish and then the play button.
  4. You can also switch between the English and Spanish transcript by scrolling down to transcript and clicking on your preferred language.
  5. You can also turn on captions while watching the video by clicking on the captions icon at the bottom of the video player.

Assigning a lesson in Spanish

You can assign any lesson in Spanish to any student in your class. Assigning a Spanish lesson to a student lets them view and complete their lesson in Spanish.

  1. With either language selected, navigate to the lesson you wish to assign to your student.
  2. Click on Assign and Share (Asignar y compartir).
  3. The Assign and Share (Asignar y compartir) window will now open. Here you can select your class, and select the language the student should view the lesson in.Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_16.53.20.png
  4. Then select which students should be assigned the Spanish version. Please make sure you save before switching languages.
  5. Your students will now have the Spanish version of the lesson assigned to them on their dashboard.

Download Slides in Spanish

Slides in Spanish can be downloaded from the Driving Question page for both Full Course Lessons and Fast Track Lessons.

  1. Navigate to your chosen Driving Question and switch the platform to Spanish.
  2. Select Abrir las diapositivas to open Slides in Spanish. 
  3. Slides in Spanish will now download.