Twig Elementary: Log in

There are 4 main ways to access Twig Science:

Log in with Twig Science Credentials

Log in using credentials supplied to you by your district administrator. You will need your District ID, Username and Password to use this method.

Log in with Google

If your district has used google email addresses when rostering, you can use Google SSO to log in.

Log in with Clever

Log in via your Clever dashboard.

Log in with Classlink

Log in via your Classlink dashboard.

The method you’ll use is determined by your school district. Your district administrator can provide you with login details and credentials.

In this article we will cover:

Quick-start video guide to logging in

Log in using your Twig Science credentials

Your District Administrator should have provided you a District ID or District ID url, username and password. If you do not have these credentials please get in touch with your district administrator.


If you are unable to log in with your credentials please contact your district administrator.

Log in with your District ID

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the District ID provided by your District Administrator into the District ID field. rtaImage__2_.jpeg
  3. Click Next.
  4. Your District ID will be shown on the left hand side of the login box. If this is not your District ID please click Not your District ID?
  5. Enter your username.
  6. Enter your password.
  7. Once all fields have been completed the Log in button will turn from grey to green.
  8. Click on Log in.Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 12.20.50.png

Log in to Twig Science using your Google credentials

To log in with Google, your District Administrator must ensure your account is connected to a Google email account. If this is the case you can log in to Twig Science using your Google email.  


If you attempt to log in with Google and trigger the following error message; "User not found" please check with your district administrator as this feature may not be active for your district.

Log in using Google credentials

  1. Go to our login page here: Go to
  2. Click on Log in with Google.login-google.jpg
  3. You will now be asked to select your Google email account, this should be the email address that your district administrator has used to create your Twig Science credentials. 
  4. You will now be logged in. 

Log in to Twig Science using Clever

  1. Go to your Clever SSO login page provided by your district administrator.
  2. Type in your credentials, again these should be provided by your district administrator.
  3. Then locate  and click on the Twig Science Logo tile.
  4. You will now be signed into Twig Science. 

Step by step guide:

  1. Go to your Classlink’s portal page.
  2. Enter the credentials provided by your district administrator. 
  3. Once logged in, locate  and click on the Twig Science logo on your dashboard. 
  4. You will now be logged in.